Vascular Flora Protection
Annex A
In the annex are listed the species of native, spontaneous flora subject to strict protection, for which harvesting, damage and eradication are prohibited. The collection, in limited and determined quantities, is permitted only for scientific and educational purposes. It also includes some species of ferns.
(Article 4, paragraph 1)
Annex B
In the annex are listed the species of native, spontaneous flora whose collection, in terms of quantity and mode, is subject to regulation. In general it is permissible, according to the Art. 5, paragraph 1, the collection of a maximum daily quantity of six flowers-axes, flower-stems, or bunches per person and per species. It also includes some species of pteridophytes.
(article 5, paragraph 1)
Annex C
In the annex are listed the species of wood berries whose collection, in terms of quantity and mode, are subject to regulations and, in some cases, to specific personal authorization. In general, according to the Art. 5, paragraph 4 of this regulation, it does not apply to the owners of the land or for those people who benefit personal rights on the lands where these species are present.
(article 5, paragraphs 2, 3 and 4)
Annex D
In the annex are listed the species of flora whose collection for medicinal use is subject to regulations and is subject to specific personal authorization. In particular, it regulates the collection for family use, as well as for commercial use.
(article 6, paragraphs 1 and 3)
Annex E
In the annex are listed the species of native, spontaneous flora on which the collection for familiar use, either edible or medicinal, is not subject to limitations, while any collection for commercial use is subject to specific personal authorization.
(article 7, paragraph 1)
Annex F
In the annex are listed the non-native or alien plant species, not originating in the territory of Aosta Valley, introduced accidentally or intentionally. These species may be subject to monitoring, containment or eradication.
(article 9, paragraph 2)